Today we will take about high blood pressure, which is widespread nowadays. People all over the world are suffering from it. The cholesterol and oily food items which we consume daily is the biggest reason for this disease. There are so many homemade remedies, but today we will talk about garlic and its properties. Garlic is an important vegetable and used in almost all dishes of Asian countries.
Garlic helps to increase a substance in the body known as nitric oxide, which can cause blood vessels to relax. It makes the flow of blood freer and helps to lower the pressure.
There are so many ways to eat it .first; you can add garlic in your daily food recipes.
Peel off two garlic cloves and eat it like tablets with water in the fasting.
You can take garlic powder as well if it is easy for you to consume.
Take 500-gram garlic and peel it off, then grind it in four cups of water, boil this drink until it remains 3 cups. Strain it and place it in the fridge. Take two tablespoons daily with honey to lower your pressure.
It is a fantastic vegetable when you use it and see its result.
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